Languages are better than ANY available drug for delaying dementia symptoms
Feb 17, 2022Did you know languages help delay the onset of dementia by upto 4 years on average by increasing your ‘COGNITIVE RESERVE’ 🧠.
Your cognitive reserve is your brain’s extra power to avoid pitfalls, and find alternative ways of doing things if faced with challenges.
It is like having a huge amount of money in your pension fund so that if there is an economic disaster (or Alzheimer’s or a stroke) you still have plenty left to function ‘normally’ and live at your usual standard.
A great way to start increasing your cognitive reserve is through Babel Babies - a lovely bit of bonding time for you and your little ones that also has endless cognitive, cultural and linguistic benefits! Why not start the Children's Languages Adventure today 🌍
Ready to start exploring languages with your little ones?
Join our Children's Languages Adventure! For a single PayWhatYouCan (£5+) payment, you'll receive lifetime access to 32 multilingual singalong videos & 100+ downloads, plus access to the BB online community.
Designed for 0-7s and their grown ups!
We explore the real science behind how young children learn to speak, along with tips for learning languages with your little people and some awesome FREE languages treats!
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