Let's Sing Languages Together!

resources Feb 08, 2019

Did you know you can download Babel Babies multilingual music, and find it on CD (with lyrics booklets) too?

How would you like to entertain your little ones by singing The Wheels on the Bus in German together? Or send your baby off to sleep with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Spanish? You could impress your friends with a rendition of Incy Wincy Spider in Arabic too if you download the Babel Babies Sing Languages Together albums, available on all good digital music stores.

Since releasing our two albums of original multilingual music in 2013 and 2015, Babel Babies has introduced thousands of families to languages from around the world including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Welsh and Arabic. It's a little language revolution waiting to happen on your school run, or in your kitchen as you cook the tea.

The idea is simple: we learn languages like we do music, through the rhythm and intonation. Before we pick up the individual words we develop an ear for the phrasing. So picking up new languages by singing familiar nursery rhymes really helps us to get hang of the new words by providing a familiar musical framework. Even if you don't catch the words at first, you know where the space is for the word, and can slot it in on the second or subsequent time you hear the song.

As well as classics like Row the Boat and Head Shoulders, you can discover popular songs, such as the Japanese Frog Song or Portuguese Music Man, that families are singing to their children in Japan and Portugal, and bring a bit of another culture into your home.

Hop over to Spotify, Amazon Music, or iTunes, or any of your favourite online music stores, to start streaming languages today, or if you'd like the lyrics booklets with all of the words, lovely illustrations and explanations of the songs, click here to visit our online foreign languages store to buy the CDs for only £10 plus p&p.

Ready to start exploring languages with your little ones?

Join our Children's Languages Adventure! For a single PayWhatYouCan (£5+) payment, you'll receive lifetime access to 32 multilingual singalong videos & 100+ downloads, plus access to the BB online community.

Designed for 0-7s and their grown ups!



We explore the real science behind how young children learn to speak, along with tips for learning languages with your little people and some awesome FREE languages treats!  

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